18.5 C

Connect with us

The creation of ENSAMM is in line with the perspective of opening up the Moroccan university to the socio-economic environment and in particular within the framework of the development of the economic and industrial region of the center-south. Engineering students can be accommodated at the university campus or at Dar Attalib, Bayt Almaarifa.
Its location near the Rabat-Fès ring road makes it easily accessible from the outside. Also, it is served by means of transport (bus, large taxis, small taxis).


Marjane 2,B.P. 15290 Al-Mansour, Meknès Morocco

Working hours

Lundi - Vendredi
8:30 AM - 18:00 PM


T: +212 5 35 46 71 60/62
F: +212 5 35 46 71 63

